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Days of our Lives

Days of Our Lives Shocker: A Classic Character’s Comeback and a Shattered Scheme May Just Give Gwen an Ending Nobody Expected

Days Carly, Dimitri, Gwen mashup

The folks of Salem better batten down the hatches, because as we can see in spoilers, next week’s Days of Our Lives is going to feature twin tracks of disaster, though of very different natures! First off, Victor’s plane is going down and his friends and family will learn of his demise. It’s bound to bring a number of folks back to say farewell in what’s sure to be heart-wrenching episodes.

At the same time, though Gwen and Dimitri will be off on their honeymoon — and it won’t be going according to plan! And by that, we mean not according to Gwen’s plan, as Dimitri’s intent on sneaking around with Leo and probably spurring his new bride. On the face of it, these two events don’t have a lot of overlap — but that changes with one, very special return: Carly!

Days' Carly and Victor facing off in the hospital

We have a feeling all of Victor’s wives over the years will find a way to be there for his funeral, and though Carly ultimately left Victor for his son, Bo, we can’t imagine she’d miss saying goodbye to her larger-than-life ex-husband!

Plus, she may just have a double reason to return to Salem with Dimitri running around trying to secure the von Leuschner family fortune! Carly may not use the last name like her cousin (of some kind), but she’s still very much a von Leuschner.

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It seems almost impossible for the family not to know what’s going on with Dimitri trying to get his sticky hands in the von Leuschner money pot and he doesn’t really seem like the type who’d be much beloved by his extended family. Carly may come back to pay her respects, of a sort, to Victor, but while in town she could also decide to put an end to Dimitri’s (and by extension, Megan’s) dreams in the most painful way possible.

Because what if she came back with a plot that requires a little help from a con-artist extraordinaire… like Gwen? The poor bride’s been so smitten with love that she’s been all-but oblivious to what’s really been going on, but if Carly took her aside and explained Dimitri’s real reasons for marrying her, we have a feeling she’d be crushed… and then set about to get revenge!

Gwen's eyes bulge as she enters her Salem Inn room. Leo and a shirtless Dimitri face her.

Her first instinct might be to rip her husband’s eyes out, but if Carly promised her a cash reward for getting the von Leuschner out of Dimitri’s hands and into their own, that might be enough for the shrewd, calculating devious Gwen to take the reins once again. The ladies could figure out a plot to leave Dimitri destitute and them with all the wealth and power.

At that point, though, Dimitri’s affair with Leo would also likely be out in the open — If nothing else, if Dimitri’s gamble with Gwen failed, why would he bother keeping it a secret anymore? — and Gwen would be left with a boatload of cash, a broken heart, and no one and nothing left in Salem for herself. At that point, she’d likely just skip town and leave Leo and Dimitri to each other, starting life over somewhere where she hasn’t been beaten down every step of the way.

And hey, how bad is heartbreak, really, if you can come out of it with a small fortune?


Source: https://www.foxnews.com/
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