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Halle Berry Finally Divorced & Obligated to Pay Ex: Her Now-Love Is Not Allowed on ‘Family Sessions’

Halle Berry, 2022. | Olivier Martinez, 2013. | Source: Getty Images

Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez’s divorce process has dragged on for eight years. Now, the final gavel has struck, and the journey that started with starry-eyed love has come full circle. The details of their divorce have surfaced, and now Berry faces payment obligations to her ex-spouse while her new love interest is barred from ‘family sessions’.

After eight long years, Halle Berry’s divorce from Olivier Martinez has finally come to an end, and the details of their custody and financial arrangement have surfaced. While it might not be the stuff of Hollywood drama, it’s a peek into the practicalities of untangling lives that were once bound together.

One notable aspect is the child support agreement. Berry will be contributing a monthly sum of $8,000 to Martinez, her former spouse, to assist in supporting their child, Maceo-Robert. But that’s not all – as Berry’s income surpasses the $2 million mark, an additional 4.3 percent will be allocated towards Maceo’s care, adding a twist to the financial equation.

Halle Berry in San Francisco, California on Thursday, June 22, 2023. | Source: Getty Images

Halle Berry in San Francisco, California on Thursday, June 22, 2023. | Source: Getty Images

But the responsibility roster doesn’t stop at monthly payments. Berry will also be footing the bill for Maceo’s private school tuition, ensuring that his budding academic journey is on solid ground.

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Furthermore, the boy has a passion for soccer, and Berry is on board to support Maceo’s extracurricular pursuits, making sure he’s covered both on and off the field. Health is also on the checklist, with Berry stepping in to cover Maceo’s medical and dental insurance, along with any medical bills that fall through the cracks.



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The Actress Announces Divorce from French Actor Olivier Martinez

Martinez and Berry’s romance began in 2010 on the set of “Dark Tide,” and it eventually led them down the aisle on July 13, 2013, in a charming French ceremony. The marriage bore fruit with the arrival of their son, Maceo, on October 5, 2013. However, after a journey together that held highs and lows, the relationship came to an end.

In a turn of events that caught many by surprise, Berry and Martinez called it quits back in 2015 after two years of marriage. The headlines broke, revealing a decision that was made with heavy hearts yet marked by mutual respect. The couple shared their sentiments through a joint statement, expressing their commitment to co-parenting their son, Maceo, while prioritizing his well-being.

Olivier Martinez and Halle Berry on October 5, 2012 in Beverly Hills, California. | Source: Getty Images

Olivier Martinez and Halle Berry on October 5, 2012 in Beverly Hills, California. | Source: Getty Images

Despite having a prenuptial agreement, unresolved custody and child support issues extended the legal process, leaving a trail of uncertainty in their wake. Their journey towards resolution was set in motion, one that would span several years until August 2023, when legal documents were filed in the L.A. County Superior Court. These documents officially sealed the remaining loose ends, detailing a joint legal and physical custody arrangement for Maceo.

Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez on June 11, 2013 in Paris, France. | Source: Getty Images

Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez on June 11, 2013 in Paris, France. | Source: Getty Images

Halle Berry’s New Love Van Hunt Is Not Allowed on ‘Family Sessions’

After the finalization of her divorce, musician Van Hunt stepped onto the scene. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Berry and Hunt’s bond grew in an unconventional setting.



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Over four months, their connection deepened through conversations that went beyond physical presence. This different approach allowed them to form a bond built on sharing thoughts and feelings, creating a strong foundation for their relationship.



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Berry confessed that she “fell in love with his mind, his conversation,” adding that she fell in love with him before she met him. In a heartwarming development, Berry’s son, Maceo, played a role in their evolving family dynamic.



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Bài viết do Halle Berry (@halleberry) chia sẻ

Initiating a commitment ceremony, Maceo conveyed acceptance and happiness. Berry shared, “It was his way of saying, ‘This is good. I like this. This makes me happy.'”



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Even as the couple’s relationship continues going strong, new challenges have surfaced.



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The family will be attending counseling sessions, and while Berry and her daughter, Nahla, are set to be part of these “family sessions,” her current partner, Hunt, won’t be included.

Source: https://www.foxnews.com/
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