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Alaskan Bush People’s

‘Alaskan Bush People’: Billy Brown’s Relationship With His Kids When The Cameras Aren’t Rolling

The Discovery Channel show has generated increasing controversy as a number of scandals and red flags have emerged surrounding the Brown family.

Folks who are dreaming of the Great Outdoors from within an indoor space may enjoy getting their natural fix by watching the Brown family, featured on the reality TV program Alaskan Bush People. The whole clan has exposed a unique vision of American life to fans tuning into the small screen. Viewers watch patriarch Billy Brown, his partner Ami Brown, and their seven grown children navigate issues like food acquisition, winter preparation and even falling in love.

In recent months, however, the Discovery Channel show has generated increasing controversy as a number of scandals and red flags have emerged regarding the veracity of the Alaskan family’s lifestyle and adventures.

A History Of Lies

According to a 2016 report by Anchorage Daily News, the apparently “wild” Brown crew actually lives in relative civilization. For one thing, the article revealed, the family’s food foraging seems strange, given that they do not live far from restaurants—there is even a pizza place only a half a mile from where they claim to live.



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On top of the pizza drama, it turns out that the Brown family does not live isolated in the middle of nowhere—they, in fact, have neighbors. The Anchorage article reveals that the Brown’s property shares a limit with the yard of Jason Hoke, a forty-six year-old regional developer from New York.

Hoke was quick to criticize the Alaskan Bush People for offending the local community through negative stereotypes about the folks who live in the 49th state, according to the article. He was quoted saying, “We’re not in the city. That doesn’t me we’re a bunch of wackos. Stop treating Alaskans like we are idiots.”

With all of the contrast between reported information and the storylines appearing on the television show, fans may be wondering—how real are the relationships between the cast members? Is Billy Brown really close with the rest of his family, when the cameras aren’t rolling?

We’ve compiled some facts about some of America’s most questionable Alaskans to determine what role Billy Brown really takes in his family.

Bam Bam Loves His Dad

While it may be true that the Bush People try not to engage too much through their social media accounts, Joshua “Bam Bam” Brown takes to his official Instagram account from time to time to give his 44.9 thousand followers a glimpse into his life.

The vast majority of Bam Bam’s photos display gorgeous, natural images. One of the most striking posts on the young Alaskan’s profile is that of a full double rainbow; another shows a handful of baby birds nestled together with their beaks open for food.

The self-declared “guy from reality television,” however, has almost no pictures of his family members, with one important exception.

Billy Brown appears front and center on his son’s profile, in a Fathers’ Day photo with a simple caption: “Happy Dad’s day to all and especially to the next Dad ever.”

While neither man is smiling in the photo, the two seem comfortable in an embrace. Bam Bam’s arm hangs casually over his father’s shoulder. The image communicates both intimacy and trust.

A Daddy’s Girl?

While Bam Bam shows nothing but affection and respect for his father on his Instagram account, Rainy Brown’s collection of photos seem to tell another story. Unlike her older brother, Rainy does not feature her father on her profile, choosing instead to post shots of the other men in her life.

For example, on November 7, 2019, Rainy posted a photo of herself beside grandfather Bill Fuller. The pair is dressed casually in outdoor attire, and seems to be hugging as they smile into the camera.

In the caption, Rainy does not hesitate to express exactly what she feels for her grandfather. “Just wanted to give a little appreciation to a very special person,” she wrote.

She was also enthusiastic about wishing her 200k followers a Merry Christmas via a photo of herself and Matt Brown in front of a pine tree. Dressed in red and grinning from ear to ear, the pair seem excited to be immersed in the holiday spirit. “May God bless you with warm meals, tight hugs and lots of love,” she told her fans.

The extent to which Billy Brown’s exclusion from Rainy’s profile actually reflects their relationship is hard to determine. Even so, it is difficult to deny that his absence is noticeable.

Noah D Does Not Forget

While he may seem busy with his new baby, Noah D Brown is sure to let his Instagram  followers know that he hasn’t forgotten his roots.

On September 25, 2019, Noah posted an old family photo, featuring the whole Brown crew out in the woods. In the center of the photo, staring sternly into the camera, is Billy Brown.

Clearly, regardless of where the family has headed in recent years, Noah still has a place in his profile—and in his heart—for good old ‘Dad.’

Source: https://www.foxnews.com/
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