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Alaskan Bush People Spoilers: Bird Brown Has Another Health Scare

Alaskan Bush People Spoilers: Bird Brown Has Another Health Scare

Alaskan Bush People spoilers reveal that Bird Brown has had yet another health scare. When the new season began, Bird had been having some pains in her body and knew that she needed to get to the doctor. After her sister convinced her to have a test run, they found out that she had cysts on her ovaries. They told her that she needed to have surgery as soon as possible and she was very worried about having cancer versus having children.

How Is She Doing?

After Bird had emergency surgery, it looks as if this may not be the only one that she must have. The tumors that the doctors found didn’t seem to be cancerous, but they mentioned that she could develop others in the future and those could be cancerous. She told her mother, Ami Brown, “There’s an 80 percent chance they’ll come back, and there’s a high 50 percent chance they’ll be cancerous if they come back.”

The way that the doctors explained it to Bird was that the only way to prevent the tumors from coming back is to have a full hysterectomy. This means that her ovaries and uterus will be removed and she would never be able to have children naturally. This has been a decision that she never thought she would have to make and knows that it will help in the long run to have a hysterectomy, but she wants to have children.

Alaskan Bush People Spoilers: Bird Brown Has Another Health Scare

What Will She Decide?

After their mother had cancer and was given treatments for that, it really made the family stop and think more about their health. This has been weighing heavy on Bird’s mind and she isn’t quite sure what to do at this point. Many of her fans have shown her support and they are urging her to have a full hysterectomy in order to save herself.

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The final decision is all Bird’s and we will have to keep an eye on her on Alaskan Bush People to see what she finally decides.

Be sure to catch up on everything happening with Alaskan Bush People right now. Come back here often for Alaskan Bush People spoilers, news, and updates.

Source: https://www.foxnews.com/
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