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Doctor Who

“Degree Of Contempt”: Fourth Doctor Explains Why He Is Not Interested In A Doctor Who Meet-Up

Doctor Who's Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, explains why he has no interest in doing a Doctor Who meetup with other actors who have played the Time Lord.

Former Doctor Who actor Tom Baker reveals why he does not want to join a Doctors meetup. Baker played the Fourth Doctor in the British sci-fi show, with his role lasting seven seasons from 1974 to 1981. Baker was preceded by John Pertwee’s Third Doctor and followed by Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor.

Now, Baker says that he would not be interested in a meetup with other Doctors. As per RadioTimes.com, Baker said that he “avoid[s]” the other Doctor actors “not with any malice” but with a “mildly contemptuous” attitude. As a result, his comment strikes down any reunion plans in light of Doctor Who‘s 60th anniversary specials. Check out the full quote from Baker below:

“I avoid them, you know. Not with any malice. A degree of contempt, perhaps. But mildly. Mildly contemptuous.”

Tom Baker’s Complicated Relationship With Doctor Who Explained

Tom Baker pointing at something in Doctor Who

Playing the Doctor for seven seasons, Baker holds the record of the longest tenure as the Time Lord to date. Despite this longevity, however, Baker has had a long fractured relationship with Doctor Who. His final season on the show was infamously turbulent, leading him to quit Doctor Who in 1981. Furthermore, Baker declined to pose in promotional photos with the four other Doctors for the 1983 special The Five Doctors.

Despite the tumultuous history, Baker has not completely forgotten the world of Doctor Who over the years. After leaving the show in 1981 and appearing in The Five Doctors two years later, Baker appeared in the 2013 reunion special The Day of the Doctor. Even then, however, Baker is only in a cameo role and was not playing his former Fourth Doctor role.

Baker’s reaction to the sci-fi show is distinct from other former Doctor actors. For example, Sylvester McCoy, who played the Seventh Doctor, came back for the Doctor Who season 13 finale, The Power of the Doctor, which united him with one of his former companion co-stars. McCoy has since spoken reverently of the show and its history. Baker is much less warm in his reflection on the show, making another return appearance on Doctor Who unlikely.

Source: https://www.foxnews.com/
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