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Days of our Lives

Days of Our Lives: Sloan Is Finally EXPOSED

Peacock’s Days of Our Lives is currently too heated up with multiple storylines springing into action at the same time. Thus, it might be time for some of the older mysteries to be resolved and secrets to come out. A prime one among them is the one Sloan has been keeping from Eric. The one where she swapped Eric’s DNA sample and then tampered EJ’s genetic report. All to make it look like EJ is Nicole’s baby daddy. While in reality, Sloan knows all too well that it is Eric! Keep reading to find out how this cat leaps out of the bag!

Sloan’s Almost Confession To Eric

Previously, on Days of Our Lives, Sloan unwittingly admitted to Melinda Trask the truth about Eric being Nicole’s baby daddy. Moreover, he also let Melinda in on the tricks she pulled to keep the real truth under wraps. However, when Sloan felt that Melinda was about to hold the truth ransom over her head, she decided to come clean to Eric. We have to mention that perhaps some small part of Sloan even felt guilty about deceiving Eric in such a manner.

Days of Our Lives
DOOL/ Sloan and Eric lose their baby

Thus, Sloan began to confess the truth to Eric on Days of Our Lives. Unfortunately, she was stopped right in her tracks by a severe abdominal cramp. It soon became so bad that she almost collapsed and Eric rushed her to the hospital. In a sad turn of events, after a scan, Kayla informed the couple that they had miscarried. Now, Sloan genuinely feels burdened by the fact that Eric has lost the chance to be a dad to either of the children. One, due to their miscarriage, the other, due to her deception. Does this mean she will once again try to confess the truth to Eric?

Will Sloan Finally Tell The Whole Truth On Days of Our Lives?

A part of Sloan believes that losing her baby was karma. Since she stole Nicole’s baby’s chance to have it’s real dad on Days of Our Lives. Thus, she is once again contemplating confessing the whole switcheroo to Eric. Nicole and EJ. But will it really be that easy? She rightfully fears that once Eric learns the truth, he may lash out and end his relationship with her. It’s no secret that Eric’s heart in honesty still lies with Nicole and not Sloan. We did catch a glimpse of their longing for each other some time ago when Nicole thought EJ abandoned her.

Days of Our Lives
DOOL/ What will Sloan do now?

And now, with Sloan’s deception and Nicole carrying his baby, he will have all the more reasons to once again try to pursue Nicole. Could this fear once again poke a hole in Sloan’s urges of confessing the truth? Will she once again choose her chance with Eric over honesty and redemption? What do you think? Tell us in the comments. Meanwhile, stay tuned to TV Season & Spoilers for more Days of Our Lives updates on what Sloan does next.

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Source: https://www.foxnews.com/
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