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General Hospital

General Hospital (GH) Spoilers: Kevin’s Behavior Tips Off Fans — Are We Seeing Things Take Shape For A Luke And Laura Reunion?

General Hospital: Kevin Collins (Jon Lindstrom)

General Hospital (GH) spoilers reveal fans are starting to speculate that we may see Luke Spencer (Anthony Geary) again after all. Despite numerous claims that he was about to return to the screen, there has been no confirmation of such.

Still, we expect that when he does, it’ll be kept a complete surprise for as long as possible. In purgatory since his alleged death, Tracy hasn’t carried on with her life outside of meddling in everyone else’s.

Laura Collins (Genie Francis) has been as happy as a clam with hubby, Kevin Collins (Jon Lindstrom), but there is recent speculation bubbling up that this might change soon. Why?

Glad you asked! What better reason is there for Tracy to move on with a new love interest and Laura to ditch hers than for Luke to come back into the picture one last time?

General Hospital Spoilers — Gregory Chase Gives Grace

Gregory’s last interaction with Tracy wasn’t pretty. He was furious with her for inquiring about his health through Alexis Davis (Nancy Lee Grahn).

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Of course, Tracy is now ticked that Alexis would squeal on her that way, and she’s even more convinced that something must be wrong with the guy.

After all, why would she rush to tell him that Tracy was poking around for information if there was no information to be had. Furthermore, why would he care that she asked to the point that it angered him so if he had a clean bill of health?

Gregory will realize in hindsight that his response was over the top and might give Tracy a pass, but he’s going to keep his guard up for a while.

Still, he knows that life is short and there aren’t as many trips around the sun left for him as he once thought there would be.

So, he’s going to make a point of going out on a limb and just might give Tracy a chance at more than friendship.

General Hospital Updates – Kevin Collins Isn’t Himself

We haven’t seen much of Kevin since his tearful conversation with Mac Scorpio (John J. York). Mac landed a bullet in Kevin’s twin brother — the sinister Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom) — and it left Kevin with all kinds of feelings.

Never did he think he would mourn the loss of such an awful man, but fans are starting to question how well he’s handling his grief.

The good doc might benefit from some of his own therapy tactics. His insistence that he take immediate leave from work and go to Russia with Laura seemed on par with what a caring husband would do, but he has seemed a bit shifty since they arrived.

General Hospital: Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart)

Moreover, his demeanor regarding Valentin Cassadine (James Patrick Stuart) had fans questioning what might be wrong with him. Is Kevin about to spiral and leave his marriage to Laura in the dust? If so, we hope it’s for the right reasons.

Luke Spencer Returns?

Fans have long wondered whether Luke’s return would be all that climactic if he was just coming home to his rarely sentimental and fiery other half who hasn’t managed to stay out of trouble since his death.

Now they’re wondering if Tracy is the person he’ll even come back to! As the storyline hints more toward Tracy finally moving on with someone else, we’re wondering if that is going to leave Luke with open arms.

Will it be Laura who is falling into them as she drifts apart from Kevin in the coming months? Come on, we can hope!

Anthony Geary has made it clear time and time again that he is retired, but we expect that he’s not going to let his character hang out there in the stratosphere as a death that occurred off-screen without a body.

Someday, he’s coming back and it’ll likely be his last take with GH. So we’re all holding our breath that it somehow ends with him riding off into the sunset with his soulmate, Laura.

Can you see it? Share your thoughts with us and keep checking back for more GH news and spoilers just ahead.

Source: https://www.foxnews.com/
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