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Days of our Lives

Days of Our Lives’ Emily O’Brien: ‘What an Epic Four Years This Has Been’

Emily O'Brien gwen "Days of our Lives" SetNBC StudiosBurbank11/21/19© XJJohnson/jpistudios.com310-657-9661

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI


By the time the truth inevitably comes out that Gwen’s husband has been cheating on her with her best friend, we wouldn’t be surprised if the semi-reformed Days of Our Lives schemer books a one-way ticket straight to the moon. Though she may at least wait until after trying to get a bit of revenge on Dimitri and Leo. Because there are betrayals and then there’s what those two are doing!

But while we think there might be a good chance that Gwen won’t be sticking around, we’re pretty sure she won’t be heading off to outer-space. Emily O’Brien, on the other hand, is! Kind of.

The actress shared a few photos on Instagram from the launch party of Bethesda Software’s newest space role-playing game, Starfield! “What an epic 4 years this has been with all of you,” she wrote. “Incredibly honored to know you all and congratulations to the team!”

O’Brien voices Sarah Morgan, a character in the game and the “Chair of Constellation,” which is a group of explorers she heads up. In other words, it’s a pretty swanky gig! Flip through the photos below to get a look at what O’Brien’s CGI character looks like!

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But she’s been working on this for four years?? That’s longer than she’s been on Days of Our Lives!

The game was first teased way back in 2018 but, as video games sometimes are wont to do, development took a little time. But hey, judging by the reviews the game’s getting, it sounds like the folks behind it really did take the time to do it right.

So congrats for the release and kudos on taking folks on a journey to the far reaches of space! Now if only Gwen can sort things out back here on earth…

Source: https://www.foxnews.com/
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