Days of our Lives

Justin Shares Concerning News as the Family Gathers to Welcome Victor Home

Friday, August 11, 2023: Today on Days of Our Lives, Victor's goodbye begins, there's another proposal, and Chad explains himself to Stephanie.

Justin, Xander, Bonnie and Alex look at Maggie with concern in the Kiriakis living room.

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI

After Stephanie throws wine in Chad’s face, she declares she knows he warned Alex away from her. Chad explodes, assuming Alex couldn’t wait to break their gentleman’s agreement. Stephanie clarifies that she had to drag it out of Alex, who almost blew a business deal trying to keep it from her. Chad apologizes. He knows he was being a possessive jerk and that she broke up with Alex for the exact same reason. “Can you forgive me?” he asks. “Or are we done too?”

At Small Bar, a grinning Alex and Justin clink glasses.

Justin finds Alex in Small Bar to invite him to Victor’s welcome home party. Alex isn’t sure he’d be welcome, but Justin insists Maggie invited him. As for Victor, he’s hurting over Bo. So, this is all about family. When Alex still hesitates, Justin urges his son to do it for him. Alex agrees. At least he won’t have any run-ins with Chad. When Justin inquires, Alex admits he may have unintentionally torpedoed his relationship with Stephanie.

At the Kiriakis mansion, a glam rock-looking Bonnie paints her toenails. Maggie returns from Chicago and tells her she knows Sarah’s having Xander’s baby. After checking on the kitchen for Victor’s party, Bonnie notes Maggie doesn’t seem to be in a party mood. Maggie’s just thrown by Sarah keeping the truth from Xander. Nothing good comes from these kinds of lies.

Wearing a sparkly jumpsuit and her long blonde hair slicked into a mohawk, Bonnie paints her toenails.

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In Chicago, Sarah tells Rex that Maggie knows she’s pregnant with Xander’s baby. She worries that too many people know and that someone will blab to Xander. There’s nothing she can do to stop him from being a part of her child’s life. Rex counters that she could marry him. Not only could it help in a potential custody battle, but if everyone thinks he’s the father, she can safely return to Salem. Sarah’s just not sure that’s the answer. Rex is sure enough for both of them. Nothing would make him happier than being married to her. He’s never stopped loving her, and he never will.

Outside the Pub, Belle tells Chloe that Brady was forced to give Rachel to Kristen. She hopes Brady can count on Chloe’s support. Chloe reminds her they aren’t together. Plus, Brady isn’t exactly supportive of her relationship with Xander. When Belle badmouths Xander, Chloe informs her he proposed. Belle is aghast to learn Chloe didn’t turn him down flat.

Outside the Pub at night, an emphatic Belle raises a finger to Chloe. With folded arms, Chloe glares at her.

Xander finds a glum Brady in the Square. He assumes his dour mood is due to him and Chloe getting hitched. Brady needs to hear that Xander is joking. Xander admits Chloe’s mulling over his proposal, but he fully intends to make Chloe Lane, Chloe Cook. Calling him delusional, Brady assumes he only proposed to Chloe to stick it to his exes. Xander calls his assertion sour grapes, gets in his own digs, then heads off for Victor’s party.

In their apartment, Stephanie tells Chad she’s not breaking up with him, but there’s a limit to what she’ll put up with. He needs to talk to her instead of going behind her back. Chad vows never to try and control her again. She wonders why he was so petty as to deceive her. Chad explains she is the first person he’s let himself have feelings for since Abigail. He’s terrified of it all going away — again.

Standing behind her, Rex puts a reassuring hand on Sarah's shoulder. Conveying exasperation and anguish, she spreads her hands.

In Chicago, Sarah says she thought Rex got over her. He responds that ruining their marriage is one of the biggest regrets of his life. Maybe this baby is a chance for him to fix something that never should have been broken. And to show her that she has his heart and always will. He gets on one knee and officially proposes.

A defensive Chloe insists to Belle that Xander’s changed. Belle is only trying to be a good friend who tells the hard truths. Chloe counters that sometimes best friends stand by each other like she did when Belle was screwing EJ. They continue bickering until Chloe reminds her she is a grown woman who can make her own decisions. She would appreciate Belle respecting her as an adult. Belle relents, but if Xander steps out of line, even once, she’ll be there to help kick his ass from here to Scotland. The friends hug and exchange I love yous.

With a satisfied smile, Alex shakes Maggie's hand in the Kiriakis living room. Bonnie and Xander pensively regard Maggie.

At Small Bar, Justin wonders if there’s part of Alex that wants another chance with Stephanie. Alex admits he’s not completely over her, but he was really trying to move on. The dating scene there is just so brutal. Sure, he can always call in a sneaky link, but… When Justin asks what that is, Alex tells him not to worry about it. Justin gapes, realizing he’s been Ok, Boomered. Alex didn’t mean to do that, but tells his father to be happy he’s single. He knows he needs to keep working on himself and hopefully attract the right kind of woman in his life.

Brady calls Maggie to tell her he’s not up for a family gathering tonight. He can’t take Victor throwing Kristen in his face or Xander bragging about proposing to Chloe. Maggie is surprised to hear that last bit as Xander saunters in. Bonnie joins them and gets in a dig about homicidal Bozos. “Bygones, Bonnie, bygones,” Xander deadpans. Bonnie’s eyes bulge when Maggie says she needs to talk to Xander, but Justin and Alex’s arrival interrupts her. Justin calls the airfield about Victor’s plane as Alex and Maggie agree to put aside their differences and hug.

Holding hands on the couch, Stephanie and Chad lean in for a gentle kiss.

At home, Stephanie says she would never take for granted how big of a deal this is for Chad and his kids. She wouldn’t be there if she weren’t in it for the long haul. He is in no danger of losing her. Not to Alex or any other shirtless rando. Chad is the only man she wants to be with. He kisses her, then offers to make one of his famous dinners. Maybe later, she says, and leads him to the bedroom.

After Chloe comes home, a sullen Brady comes to the door. She tells him how sorry she is about Rachel and asks if there’s anything she can do. “Yeah,” he says and kisses her.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Xander confirms to Maggie that he proposed to Chloe. He detects tension between her and Bonnie and asks what it is. Maggie again says there’s something she needs to tell him. However, a grim Justin returns from his call. Victor’s plane is missing.

Brady holds Chloe's face as he passionately kisses her.

Next on Days of Our Lives: Justin’s bad news spreads, and Li and Melinda rethink things.

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